Thursday, July 28, 2011

get the picture ????

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

where is it written ???????????????

almost all of us carry around this same underlying belief of "i'm not good enough " - or some variation of how we are flawed or inadequate . yours maybe "i'm not smart enough" , "i'm not worthy" or "i'm not loveable ". it doesn't really matter what edition of this " i'm not okay " manual you have , when you don't love yourself , you hold yourself back from receiving life's richest experience : unconditional love . it's like having the winning lottery ticket & not showing up to claim the millions . to make matters worst , you look outside yoursel to try to fill yourself up - with food , drugs & alcohol , sex , achievements , relationships , you name it . its the ultimate bottomless pit .this explains why so many people are overweight , addicted , frustrated with their jobs or their relationships and passing unhappiness & lack of love on to everyone eles . kids , family , friends and even strangers. the truth is that untill we fill the inner void , nothing from the outside can make us feel "enough " , at least for very long . you may be thinking , i've hear this before , but how do i do it ? the good news is you've already begun . reading this book has most likely caused you to reexamine your thoughts about what is love . and it has set you on the path of learning to access unconditional love & go about clearing away the blocks to living in a real way in your every dy life .
when you love yourself unconditionally , your kind to yourself , have compassion for yourself , and accept yourself as you are. you don't love yourself for " good reason " , such as your talents & good qualities which are the basis of your self -esteem . while self - esteem is healthy and important in moderation , it has its limitations . loving yourself for good reason keeps you focused on external things , like accomplishments & successes . and what happens if you can't maintain those positive qualities ? yourself - esteem disappears or worst yet it turns into self pity and beat yourself up for letting yourself down. when you strengthen your self - love , you stop condemning & abandoning your yourself & start being there for yourself , no matter what - even in the midst of pain , in the midst of the things you think about yourself that are unlovable. you're also able to be fully empowered. this means you create appropriate boundaries & take responsibility for your own love experiences . this then becomes the basis for loving others ..from the book " love for no reason " by marci shimoff
"love is not an action , not a giving and receiving , its a state of being . theres only one true form of it & that is unconditional... love that isn't unconditional is just need . everyone has unconditional love , it is our true nature " tom stone ...writer

Saturday, July 16, 2011

JULY 2011

the more one loves for no reason at all , tracy ,the easier their life , the greater their friends , and the happier their times ! rocks !!!! the universe
bella !!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

an open door PING !--‏

its not the day you have to manage , lucky but the moment......its not the dragon you have to slay but the fear...and not the path you have to know , but the destination...........what a relief , huh ? the universe every moment nothing can make you less