Saturday, March 30, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

 2. It's the very fact that we can't snap our fingers & summon up joy or even predict when it might suddenly surge up out of nowhere , unbidden , full blown & unalloyed that makes hopelessness such an irrational mistake .Franz Kafka wrote in his diaries: " Just when everything seems to be over with new forces come marching up , and precisely that means you are alive."

9. That expression " drunk with joy " is something of a misnomer .Joy is a bracing sobering experience .It's not a forgetting of troubles .It isn't naive . It isn't blinkered . It isn't a state of oblivion. When one's joyful , one's eyes are open . There is , in joy , an utter fidelity to the world .
11. Joy expresses itself most beautifully in shared laughter . When people laugh together , they're actually commiserating with each other , acknowledging just how difficult & baffling life can be . Joyous laughter is never embittered or sneering or derisive. To the contrary , it's ritual of solidarity , a reaffirmation that we're all in this together .Someone say to me the other day , "God is getting older . He's starting to forget things ." It was such a casually ironic joke about the uncertain world we inhabit , so warmhearted in its indulgence about the divinity upon whose infallibility man so steadfastly depended ... in that offhand , unexpected moment of laughter with someone I didn't know , I felt an unusually vivid sense of a kindred spirit .

And couldn't this be what joy ~ stripped of its bells and whistles ~ essentially is : to simply feel as if we belong , whatever our plight , here & with each other

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Protect What's Yours

That Extra Something

Tuesday, March 26, 2013