Saturday, December 17, 2011

"IMAGINE" that there's another world, beyond the reach of your physical sense's , just out side of time and space; a world that mirrors your own - not the physical things, but the intangibles; a world that mirrors your thoughts and dreams, your beliefs and expectations. and imagine that every thought you entertain comes to life in this other realm with a single mission; to " jump worlds" and join you in time and space. now imagine that these two worlds run exactly parallel to one another and that they're invisibly fused together in the here and now. pretend that every here and now comes from this other world , from all your prior thoughts, not from your past , not from the world of time & space that surrounds you. do you realize what this would mean ?...........
It would mean that your future , beginning today, will not unfold based on your past or based upon the existing conditions of your life , but will unfold based entirely upon your thought and dreams , your beliefs and expectations. Ok Ok you can stop pretending & imagining because this is exactly how things are. This is why all things are possible !!!! All things come from the thoughts & your thoughts are determined by you . How cool is that ?

Nothing speaks louder to the universe louder than your belief in self , abundance , love -- than giving does and when the universe hears this , it adds more to you .Not as a reward but because you truly believe in self abundance and love...Yee - Haa !!!! What a way to run the world !!!!!& Best of all this is the world where "WE" live. Think of the possibles there endless !!! Notice that there was no reference to blood , sweat & tears . No implications to sacrifice , commitment or years. Not a hint of judgement , luck or coincidences. . You not here to experience lack , disease or pain .Your here to experience over flowing fullest of self ( IN A GREAT WAY ) So go on own it & know . But be care because is chain reaction is alot harder to stop than it is to start. ;@}

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